Chris Kerwood Group | This group meets every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM. It is a co-ed group of both couples and single people. The age range if from 20’s to 40’s and the group bounces around to different houses (Chris’s, Steven’s, and Holly Shea’s). They have a total of 13 people, but are looking to add others after the new year. | Tuesday at 7:00 PM | |
Jeff & Richel Muller Group | This group meets every Wednesday night at 6:30 PM. It is a newer couples group that began in September 2024. The age range is 40 to 50 years old. They are doing a RightnowMedia study in Romans and bounce around houses for meeting space. | Wednesday at 6:30 PM | |
Kent & Penny Stine Group | Adult Bible Study Small Group. Mostly Boomer Generation | Sunday at 6:30 PM | |
Marvin & Melody Redd Group | | Monday at 6:00 PM | |
Megan Barnard Woman's Bible Study | It meets every other Friday at 6:30 PM. It is a ladies' Bible study for people in their mid-20s to 40s. They bounce around different houses for meeting spaces. There are 6 total members of this study. They fit comfortably right now at their homes but may look to meet at the church if they gain two more attendees. | Friday at 6:30 PM | |
Ron & Sherri DeRose Group | Adult Bible Study Small Group. Mostly Boomer and Traditionalists Generations | Tuesday at 6:00 PM | |
Scott & Francy Hogue Group | This group meets in Fruita at Bret and Sue Holmes house. They meet every other Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 PM. This is a couples group that has 6 members apart of it. The age range is 40’s to 70’s years of age and they have room to grow. | Wednesday at 6:00 PM | |
Seth & Dana Thomas Group | Adult Bible Study Small Group. Mostly GenX and Millennial Generations | Sunday at 6:00 PM | |
Sherri DeRose Ladies Bible Study | This Ladies' Bible study meets every Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM. They range from the ’60s to 80’s, but there is a couple of younger Ladies in the group (Taylor Muller). Sherri is leading them through the study “Knowing God” that she has put together based on the book of the same name by J.I. Packer. There are a total of 21 women in this group. | Wednesday at 10:00 AM | |
Young Adult (18-25) Group | This group meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM. They have been studying the “Essentials of Faith-Why Does Jesus Matter?”. This is a group with an age range from 18-25 years old. There are 21 consistent members in this group. They were meeting at Steven and Sierra’s house, but are now meeting at Marvin and Melody Redd’s house. | Wednesday at 7:00 PM | |
Young Married Group | This group meets bi-weekly on different days of the week. It is a new group looking to connect “Young-Married” couples. They range from early 20s to late 20s. There are a total of 14 people in this group. They bounce around different houses for a meeting space. | | |