Finding Your Way Back To God: A Series on the Parable of the Prodigal Son

1/1/2017 - 1/29/2017

Most of us would say we believe in God. Maybe at one time you even felt close to Him. Then life just got in the way, and you drifted. BUT NOW SOMETHING IS MISSING. Wherever you're from, whatever your past hurts, shame, or regrets might be, you have something deep inside you that longs for a connection with God. It is part of being human. Join us for FINDING YOUR WAY BACK TO GOD, and discover that God has not forgotten you. In fact, He's running to you.

In This Series

  1. The Awakening to Longing
  2. The Awakening to Regret
  3. The Awakening to Help
  4. The Awakening to Love
  5. The Awakening to Life