God's Solution to Racism (Core52:40)

Seth Thomas - 7/2/2020

Racism Resources Sheet

Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 40

Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse

Acts 17:26

Day Three | Story Reading

Jonah 1-4

Day Four | Verse Meditation

Isaiah 49:6
Ephesians 2:13-14
Revelation 7:9-10

Day Five | Application

Have a meal with someone from a different ethnic or cultural background to learn about that person's story.

Group Discussion

  • Did you grow up in a family or community that treated all people the same or was there some level of racism, overt or subtle? These could have been jokes, comments, phrases, what a particular group of people was called, etc.
  • In your experience, why is racism so difficult to overcome? What actions or attitudes have you personally implemented to reduce it in your own life?
  • What could your church do (or what could you do in your church) to make other ethnic, economic, cultural, and political groups feel more included?
  • Share the name of a specific person who is different than you who you could escort to church to make sure they feel included when they come.