Prayer & Forgiveness (Core52:20)

Seth Thomas - 8/6/2020

Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 20

Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse

Day Three | Story Reading

John 17

Day Four | Verse Meditation

Numbers 6:24-26
2 Chronicles 7:14
Matthew 7:7-8

Day Five | Application

Use the Lord’s Prayer as a template to guide your prayers today.

Group Discussion

  • What is (or was) your communication like with your father? Does that affect how you pray?
  • What could you ask for that you are pretty sure God would say “yes” to?
  • Are you able to identify any barriers that keep you from getting to “yes” with God?
  • Are there things God asks of you that you have said “no” to? Are there things he has asked you to let go of that you have refused?