Holiness (Core52:5)

Seth Thomas - 9/17/2020

Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 5

Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse

Leviticus 11:45

Day Three | Story Reading

2 Samuel 11
Psalm 51

Day Four | Verse Meditation

Exodus 19:6
2 Corinthians 7:1
1 Peter 2:9

Day Five | Application

Seek out a place to serve voluntarily so you can tap into God’s purpose for you.

Group Discussion

  • Is there anything you refuse to share with someone closest to you?
  • In your experience, why does someone’s attempt to be holy by behavior modification lead to hypocrisy, secrets, guilt, judgment, and pride? (Answer one topic at a time).
  • Are there things you assume pastors can do with or for God that you are not as capable of?
  • Do you have an area of life where your actions don’t reflect your appreciation toward God or his presence in your life?