Our Co-Mission (Core52:26)

Seth Thomas - 10/1/2020

Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 26

Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse

Matthew 28:18-20

Day Three | Story Reading

Acts 10
Acts 11

Day Four | Verse Meditation

Mark 16:15-16
John 20:21-23
2 Corinthians 5:20

Day Five | Application

Identify by name one person whom you could bring at least one step closer to Jesus.

Group Discussion

  • Share a time when you became a convert to something other than Jesus—Apple, Sports team, a diet or exercise program. What was it that convinced you to jump on board?
  • What rights and responsibilities do you feel you have as a “ambassador” of Christ?
  • What is the last “next step” you took toward God and the last “next step” you took toward another person? How would you coach another person to take those same steps?
  • Write on a 3×5 card the names of three people you would like to escort one step closer to God. Pray for God to give you opportunities to do that in simple and practical ways.