Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 7
Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse
1 Samuel 16:7
Day Three | Story Reading
1 Samuel 15-17
1 Samuel 24
Day Four | Verse Meditation
Judges 21:25
1 Samuel 8:1-18
1 Samuel 13:14
Day Five | Application
Take the book essay to a friend or mentor. Read the three fatal flaws of Saul and the four characteristics of Jesus’s leadership. Ask your friend or mentor to point out your greatest strength in imitating Jesus and your greatest potential danger in imitating Saul.
Group Discussion
- How have you seen power corrupt leaders?
- What differences do you see between the leadership of David and Saul? Can you see those attributes (both positive and negative) in leaders around you?
- What made David “a man after God’s own heart” even though he was flawed? What lesson does this offer for you and me?
- What characteristic of Jesus’ leadership could you apply to improve your own leadership practice?