Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 12
Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse
Psalm 110:1
Day Three | Story Reading
John 5
John 6
Day Four | Verse Meditation
Matthew 16:16-18
Matthew 22:41-46
Acts 2:34-35
Day Five | Application
Pray through Psalm 110 using the words of the passage to shape your acclamation of Jesus.
Group Discussion
- What did the ancient Jews expect from their Messiah?
- What unrealistic expectations do people often have today of Jesus?
- Why do you think people today have a hard time believing in Jesus? Why do you think people sometimes have difficulty submitting to him as Messiah?
- How did you come to believe in Jesus? Are there friends or family you need to share Jesus with so they can come to the faith you have? Would this study help them believe?