Prophecy (Core52:10)

Seth Thomas - 12/3/2020

Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 10

Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse

Psalm 2:7

Day Three | Story Reading

1 Kings 18
1 Kings 19

Day Four | Verse Meditation

Psalm 22:1
Psalm 118:22-29
Revelation 19:15

Day Five | Application

Take one of the seven predictive prophecies above and share it with a friend as something exciting and incredible you just learned. See what your friend’s reaction is.

Group Discussion

  • Are you easily convinced of things or really hard to convince? Share an example.
  • What significance do you place on predictive prophecy? Why does it give you confidence to follow Jesus?
  • Take some time to read the seven prophecies listed above. Which of the, in your estimation, would be the least likely to be fulfilled by random chance?
  • Would anyone be willing to role play the act step right now?