Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 6
Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse
Deuteronomy 18:18
Day Three | Story Reading
Exodus 2
Exodus 3
Day Four | Verse Meditation
John 5:45-47
Acts 13:39
1 Corinthians 10:1-4
Day Five | Application
Ask someone at work or school what the current president of the United States would have to do in order to be remembered as greater than George Washington. After he or she answers, share this concept of Jesus being greater than Moses, and use it as an opportunity to make Jesus famous in that person’s eyes.
Group Discussion
- Who is the most famous person you ever met? What was it like to be in the presence of “greatness”?
- Do you think this comparison of Moses and Jesus could be used to show God’s design in Jewish history?
- Why do you suppose it was so important and so consistent in the New Testament to show Jesus as superior to Moses?
- Given this study, do you think we have underestimated or undervalued Jesus?