Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 17
Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse
Daniel 7:13
Day Three | Story Reading
Daniel 3
Daniel 6
Day Four | Verse Meditation
Isaiah 9:6
Mark 14:62
Hebrews 2:6
Day Five | Application
Ask a friend who’s not a Christ-follower what he or she thinks God would look like if he came and lived on earth.
Group Discussion
- Did you have any nicknames growing up? Was it a compliment or kind of a put-down?
- If you could have any earthly title, what would you want to attain?
- It is a hard and fast principle in Scripture that God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. How have you seen that rule of life play out today?
- Have you ever had a hard time believing that Jesus could be fully God and fully human at the same time? How would you explain this courteously and intelligently to a Muslim or Jewish friend? How would you explain this to a child?