Day One | Read the Essay from Core 52, Chapter 29
Day Two | Memorize the Core Verse
Mark 2:27-28
Day Three | Story Reading
Mark 2
Mark 3
Day Four | Verse Meditation
Genesis 2:2
Matthew 11:28-30
Colossians 2:20-21
Day Five | Application
Friends and family can read us better than we can read ourselves. Ask them where in your life you need to rest. Inform them of your intention to practice Sabbath in a practical way, and let them hold you accountable.
Group Discussion
- Take out a piece of paper. On each of the four margins write one of these words: Work, family, finances, emotions/stress. Ask each person to fold each edge to represent how much margin they have in each of these four areas of their lives.
- What kind of rest recharges you?
- How do you need to “come to Jesus” to find rest (Matthew 11.28)?
- Share some ways you have made rest a rhythm. Be specific with habits and behaviors that turn your attention toward God and family.